Register an account

Step 1: Click on the link to download the ASDI app on your phone:

⁃ IOS:

⁃ Android:

Step 2: After downloading the app to your phone, tap on the ASDI icon to open the application.

Step 3: Always choose the “Binance Smart Chain” chain to connect your wallet to ASDI.

Tap "Connect Wallet" to link your Web3 wallet (Metamask, Trust, Safepal, etc.)

Step 4: Choose the type of wallet you want to connect => "Connect".

Step 5: After successfully connecting, you need to sign the terms when using the ASDI App by selecting "AGREE AND SIGN" on the ASDI App. And then you select "Sign" in the window on your Wallet (note that this is an off-chain signature system so you don't have to pay any fees).

Then you wait a moment to access your account on the ASDI App

You have successfully created an account on ASDI using your Web3 wallet.

Last updated